Five estimate reports provide
five levels of detail
of your estimate.
Cost Spectrum Analysis™
Reports instantly show you where most of your costs lie within your estimate.
A cost spectrum report orders the estimate items by cost, then groups the items in bands of 25% of total project cost.
Quickly find the big cost items. The reports make it easy for estimators to see where the money and the risk are in their estimates.
One reports all costs, the other reports labor only.
Each arranges your estimate items by total cost of the item and in descending order.
One shows each item's percent of total project cost and the accumulated percent of total cost.
The other shows the same for labor costs only. Each shades ascending groups of 25% of total cost in different colors.
Labor Rate Groups
Report filters out non-labor items and groups remaining labor activities by labor rate.
Use this report to check accuracy of labor cost assignments.
Helps when consolidating rates (use with the Labor Rate Wizard).
Helps when honing your estimates.
Each report has a Printer Friendly version so you can print from your browser.
Each report can be printed in either Portrait or Landscape mode. The reports will arrange themselves to fit the page size and orientation that you select.
See an
audit trail
of the changes. You can see who made the last change to what in the estimate and when, down to the level of each estimate item.
Capture and Save the
of the Estimators.
allows the estimators to easily save their notes with each estimate item, each Prime Account, and with the Project as a whole.
Assumptions and other important information can be captured and made available to all participants now and in the future when memories are less clear.
Use the
CheckList Bot™
to automatically create a checklist of what's missing from your estimate after comparing it with another estimate or an estimate model. Then click on the check box next to each missing item that you want to add to the new estimate and click the Copy button. Quick and easy.
Use the
Copy Project Wizard
as a starting point for a new estimate.
Copy from an existing estimate or an estimate model, then delete and add as required.
You can also use the Copy Project Wizard to create revisions of your estimate while keeping the original.
Prime Accounts (rollups) and Sub-Accounts (estimate Items) that have no costs associated with them
display as red text
so that you can easily identify them.
The system is intuitive to use and designed for fast data entry. Requires minimum mouse clicks to navigate the system.
Your team can collaborate on and review estimates without passing files around.
All participants can see the same data, real-time.
Estimators in the field need home office support? Need help from a another office? If you can connect to the Internet you can work together. Just use your browser to login to our site and you are good to go.